Does your student have dyslexia? We have a free tool for you to assess the current learning challenges they may be facing. This short check-list will help you identify if further help is necessary and/or needed for your student’s success. After you submit your results, expect to be contacted by one of our qualified staff members to talk about potential avenues to take.

*this tool is non-comprehensive in nature and does not guarantee diagnosis or complete accuracy in identifying issues with dyslexia. This tool is a simple way to see if what Simplistic Solutions offers might be for you or your student.


  • A medical diagnosis of dyslexia is performed by a neuropsychologist, educational psychologist and neurologist trained to perform and having the appropriate credential for evaluation. This diagnosis is a DSM 5 mental disorder.

  • Make requests to the college board. Submit to colleges IEP and 504 that are no more than 5 years old.

  • It stands for Center for Effective Reading Instruction.

  • Simplistic Solutions can complete formal evaluations that identify areas of weaknesses that are typical of dyslexia. A medical diagnosis of dyslexia/dysgraphia/dyscalculia is not required for the state of NE for a student to receive support in ANY school settings. We can advocate for your child to receive accommodations. We provide interventions using Structured Literacy.

  • No, currently we do not file dyslexia/dyscalculia evaluations to insurance companies. Once the evaluation is complete, a physician can confirm the diagnosis from the evaluation that Simplistic Solutions completes.